Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 6-13-23
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Tuesday, June 13TH and you’re listening to the Big Call. Thanks for tuning in, wherever you’re in, tuning in from around the globe, whether you’re live, whether you’re on the replay numbers or replay links, or whether you’re getting this call absolutely in your own language, based on the country of residence, you may be getting it instantaneously translated into your own language. So thank you for listening, everybody tuning in.
Okay, guys, let’s see what we can do in 15 minutes or less in the way of Intel. Now yesterday we got some information from some of our best sources that indicated that we would have notifications within a period within this morning, Tuesday morning, all the way to Thursday morning – anytime within that period Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Tuesday morning to Thursday morning.
And then based on that, today is out, that narrows it down quite a bit to Wednesday, or Thursday morning. Will they wait till the last possible minute to do this Thursday morning? Don’t be surprised if they do it – I’m not going to be surprised by it.
If they start out with numbers tomorrow – 800 numbers – We set our appointments – start exchanges Thursday – That’s very doable.
If we get numbers early, hey, they could be one of these deals where we wake up to them Thursday morning. We could wake up for an email, call set appointments and start exchanges on Thursday.
Now we know the redemption center was not staffed today redemption centers but tomorrow is a different animal. And we believe for sure that redemption centers will be staffed from Thursday on for about two weeks.
So that’ll take us till about the 29th or so of June, but we’ve got quite a lot to do in that period of time. It looks as though this will occur for us to get notified by Thursday morning.
The other thing is we know that they’re trying to finish up everything to get all banks that are still in business – even the smaller ones – Many have been picked up by the larger banks. Okay and bought out by them. So there might be more banks in this than we know right now. But – the banks are needing to be Basel lll compliant when the QFS is fully activated on Thursday, the 15th – when it’s fully activated – and every bank is Basel lll compliant boy then they were off and running we’re off to the races.
The other piece of information that we got today was the NESARA / GESARA is to be activated starting the 16th of June which is Friday.
So we can see this and go for us Wednesday, Thursday or Thursday with our 800 numbers and then all of a sudden the next day on Friday, we’ve got some form of announcement on the NESARA / GESARA -which sort of follows it to make sense.
And then what is supposed to be covered we believe – I don’t know if they’ll go into the entire thing – But I know that they’re supposed to talk about the increase in Social Security, which we understood from Social Security, where it would start this month – And secondly, that the restitution allowance would also start this month of June
I don’t know how that’s gonna come exactly. I know for older folks 62 and older it’ll be lump sum. And oh for younger, let’s say about 10 years after he started working let’s call it 28 or so to the age of 61 – it would be divided into payouts that would be monthly payouts or I believe it was 12 or 13 months. Whatever that total is they would divide it up and pay that out monthly.
Now it’s going to be a nice change for a lot of people. Obviously our situation with currencies is going to be much much better.
And maybe we don’t even want to talk about an increase in Social Security – maybe we don’t need the restitution allowance – but it is something that is coming to us –
So there are other things that are coming.
I do want everybody to be aware that the Med Bed rollout for setting appointments for Med Beds will be based on need, how close your heart to going to six feet under basically you know it’s going to determine the need but when you go into the redemption centers, like I see it I get my eyes fixed.
You know, if you let them know you want to be around for quite a while, 100 – 200 300 years, whatever it is, or more – to see your projects come to fruition to be there for them – and you want to try to get in the Med Bed now as soon as possible. And they’re supposed to a key and something for you. They may even give you the number to call to set that appointment for the Med Bed – we’ll see how that works out. But they’re supposed to be assisting us in that sense that I just said at the redemption centers
Guys we’re just so close. So in the meantime, based on they say this coming up is our week Thursday. What do you want to do? You want to make sure that you’ve got your project presentations complete and ready to present in five to eight minutes at the redemption center.
Now, beyond that guys getting down to the nitty gritty on this thing. And will they release this on Flag Day tomorrow? Will they release this on President Trump’s birthday tomorrow?
Anything we know that?
Will they wait to the last minute send these out by email to us overnight to get them when we wake up on Thursday morning. Call with the toll free number set appointments Thursday and start Thursday.
We’ll see which it is. We’ll see which it is. But there is a lot happening. We let’s call it now and the end of this month. It’s gonna be really really good.
I’m excited about it. I’m very excited about where we stand. I’m excited about our projects. Excited about rebuild America.
But we just thank you so much for everything that you guys have done to be here. Now let’s see what happens tomorrow. And then we’ll see what happens tomorrow or Thursday. So I wanted to share with you guys we’re just looking so strong right now. All right everybody. Listen, let’s pray the call out and have a great night and see what the next two days brings
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