
  In Angel1

Here’s one way they can do it. They can do what’s called a re-denomination… You got 3-zeros and then you’ve got a re-denomination which is another set of currency which is what many call the smalls.  You’ve got a 25,000 note and then you’ve got a 25 noteThe key…a re-denomination occurs when there is an exchange in currency but there is no value change.   No value change – that is what a re-denomination is [LOP].  What can happen is you get the larges, you exchange them for smalls, they’re given a certain time frame, say 10 to 20 days and in that 10 to 20 days they change prices in their markets…and then sometime between 10-20 days they jump on Forex and it goes International...That is one way they can do it…   [Post 1 of 2….stay tuned]