...What we want to see posted on the CBI website…
This is clearly what the article said... They are weighing…
Sistani set...3/12/24 as the first day of Ramadan...Note, IMO, Kuwait…
Community Comment: "...The rate doesn't matter but "freedom of movement…
Question: "I thought they met all the requirements ?" All…
Question: "When is Iraq supposed to be in the WTO?" …
IMSO...now that the Federal Court ruled, the Oil and Gas…
The issue I still see is in order to peg…
If they are truly heading to a simple 3 decimal…
The basket of currencies is what they intend to peg…
Community Comment: "IMO- CBI official rate 1310. 1 USD ~…
I am very encouraged that if they can get their…
Community Comment "We've been told in the last couple of…
The CBI has clearly stated to the Citizens that they…
Based on the articles today, it looks to be clear…
Saleh told us early in last year that they must…
Community Comment: "At 1310 they could roll it out…
If the rate is 1320 and there is an expense…
Community comment: "None of the Projects in the Tripartite…
Question: "Has there been any word on the HCL possibly…
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