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Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Is Powell a hero or coo coo https://youtu.be/XqaPH1KR_mk

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

He can't help himself lol https://youtu.be/129Xt8xUSyI

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

God, the Founding Fathers and Trump https://youtu.be/H9m8stlMHYo

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

This is why Trump signed 2018 EO and how Trump…

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

10 days of Darkness https://youtu.be/8jE8mR6R9LU

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Pimpy News 11/17/20 -you can see the panic lol https://youtu.be/N0JIoj0UAz4

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Who wouldn't want this machine on their team (Q&A) https://youtu.be/tuT7Xzf2-dA

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

This news report sounds familiar https://youtu.be/V39IsgRJuGc

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Why you should be careful of Conspiracies https://youtu.be/xmZqmzgCqzA

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Pimpy News 11/12/20 https://youtu.be/LuL7hrRkKEY

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Iraqi Dinar News 11/11/20 https://youtu.be/BdFqzQ6k-5s

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Pimpy News 11/10/20 https://youtu.be/V81rPR0u2GU

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

URGENT INFO!! Exposing The Matrix The ORACLE SPEAKS Should Would…

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

This would change the world (Q&A) https://youtu.be/OAze6pZ5wxg

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

You tell me what you think this means (Q&A) https://youtu.be/aACQ0U9H1FA

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Iraqi Dinar News 11/08/20 https://youtu.be/GjjQSxwQP9s

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

This would change the world https://youtu.be/q569tOujKTM

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

What Happened ... (Q&A) https://youtu.be/HRUwo4EhQaw

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

If not now... when? https://youtu.be/zLGzd8lBbFw

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

Iraqi Dinar News 11/05/20 - Biden is bad for dinar…