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[Bank story continued]   FRANK26: Oh, snap!  …You talked to the most prefect individual, the Wealth Management Advisor Director of all the Chase Banks in America.  Holy cow…Notice he wasn’t in defensive posture.  He wasn’t in an angry mood…He had a straightforward conversation.  BANK STORY PERSON: …Me and my fiancé went November 28th, a couple days before I talked to the Chase guy and walked into my regular Wells Fargo branch…I asked if I could speak with the branch manager…the teller asked what is it in reference about?  I said exchanging foreign currency. He said well if you’re talking about the dinar it’s not going to happen.  He said I’ve talked to somebody really high up and it’s not gonna happen…  FRANK26:  How in the world can we trust Wells Fargo when they are purposely lying to us?  All they have to do is say no comment.  That’s it…they sold me dinars back in 2005.  [Post 2 of 2]