Clare: Source: The Budget Law has reached Justice and will be published in the Official Gazette next week
An informed source in the Ministry of Justice revealed that the financial budget law had reached the ministry.
The source stated in a press statement that: “The budget law has reached the Ministry of Justice and will be published in the Official Gazette (Al-Waqa’eq) next Monday, June 26, to enter into force.”
The House of Representatives voted on the dawn of June 12 on the Federal General Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the years (2025, 2024, 2023) in total.
Yesterday, Wednesday, the President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, approved the budget. LINK
Clare: Parliamentary Finance: The instructions of the budget law will be issued after Eid Al-Adha
Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced the date for publishing the budget law instructions.
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mueen Al-Kazemi, said, in a statement followed by Mawazine News, that “it is expected that the budget law will be published in the Official Gazette next Sunday.”
Al-Kazemi added, “The instructions of the budget law will be issued after the blessed Eid Al-Adha.” LINK
Clare: Chairman of the Integrity Commission: Recover 15 billion dinars from one of the departments of the Ministry of Commerce
The head of the Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, announced the recovery of 15 billion dinars from one of the departments of the Ministry of Commerce.
Hanoun said in a press conference, “We will hold accountable all those who seek to undermine success and return to the days of corruption,” announcing, “The recovery of 15 billion dinars from one of the departments of the Ministry of Commerce.” Regarding the Abu Ragheef committee, Hanoun said: “We have formed two investigative committees in this regard, one of which concerns the cooperating employees of the commission.
” With Abu Ragheef.”
Regarding the inflation of funds, Hanoun explained that “the law stipulates a fine equal to the amount of inflation,” calling on citizens to “cooperate and submit files related to corruption.” He pointed out
that “some institutions prevent the oversight authorities from accessing to know the fate of state funds,” stressing That “the corruption suppression data is part of corruption.” LINK
6/22/2023 Baghdad
Today, Thursday, the Integrity Commission announced the seizure of inflation of more than 40 billion dinars, with the money of a captain in the Ministry of Defense.
The head of the commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, said in a press conference followed by the National News Center: “The commission seized inflation of more than 40 billion dinars with money belonging to a captain in the Ministry of Defense.”
He stressed that “other files will be presented regarding the inflation of funds in the coming days.” LINK
Clare: Masrour Barzani: Any new project must have 75 percent of its workers from the people of Kurdistan
The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani opened, on Thursday, a cement plant in the city of Erbil, and stressed that any new project must have 75 percent of its workers from the people of the region.
Masrour Barzani said in a speech he delivered during his participation in the opening ceremony of the factory, which was attended by Shafaq News Agency, “This factory is set to become one of the most important factories in Kurdistan Region, and it will have an important role in developing the reconstruction process in the region.”
He added, “This factory will provide hundreds of job opportunities for young people, and certainly any project that opens in Kurdistan must have 75 percent of its workers from the people of the region and train local workers and engineers to raise their level.”
Barzani added, “The Kurdistan Regional Government, in the context of diversifying sources of economic income, pays great attention to the industrial and agricultural sectors, as our region includes a lot of raw materials and can be a basis for building projects.”
Barzani pointed out that “the bulk of the products in the region’s markets are imported, and these products can be local, which will contribute to reviving the industrial sector and provide job opportunities,” stressing that “the regional government is ready to do what is necessary in this regard.” LINK