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Clare:  The international coalition strengthens its positions in Syria with forces coming from Iraq

8/21/2023   Baghdad –

During the past hours, the international coalition forces brought a military convoy to the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria, through the Al-Walid border crossing with the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Eyewitnesses said that the convoy included 30 trucks loaded with logistical and military materials, cement blocks, and closed boxes, and headed towards the bases of the International Coalition in Tal Baidar, Qasrak, and Istrahat al-Wazir in the countryside of Hasakah.

This comes after new military reinforcements of the International Coalition arrived last week at their bases in Deir Ezzor Governorate, entering through the Al-Walid border crossing as well.
Since the beginning of this month, 4 convoys of reinforcements and supplies belonging to the coalition have entered the regions of northeastern Syria.    LINK


August 21, 2023 10:12 am   Baghdad

The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives is seeking to host central bank officials next week, to discuss the delay in distributing funds for the housing initiative that it launched last year.

A member of the committee, Mustafa Al-Karawi, said in a statement followed by the National News Center: “The banks were very late in releasing initiative sums for citizens to buy real estate or build plots of land that they own as part of a solution to the housing crisis that Iraq suffers from.”

Al-Karawi explained that “the initiative is expected by many citizens who do not have sufficient funds to build their homes,” noting that “many citizens obtained interest-free loans from banks in order to purchase housing units, including those in the vertical housing complexes that were established recently.”

And he indicated that “the grant amounts are provided by the Central Bank to the banks,” pointing out that “the committee will host the governor of the Central Bank and its officials to inquire about the reason for delaying the release of the amounts to the banks to take appropriate measures to grant them to citizens.”  LINK



Frank26  I love the big push…to arrest all of the corrupt people in Iraq because it’s not just Iran, they are also arresting Iraqi crooked politicians like the former Oil Minister…all of these have been the reason why the CBI cannot advance the IQD exchange rate.  This huge push to eradicate corruption is the latest of the monetary reform steps to bring forth your new exchange rate...they are destroying the corruption that was preventing your reforms…

Walkingstick   Question:  “These banned countries – Why does Alaq the Governor of the CBI want the United States to help?”  Because sanctions on these banned countries make it difficult for them to acquire the USD.  The USD rate goes up via supply and demand….This must and has been stopped by laws Suadni has implemented and brought fourth…It is bulldozing over the corruption that has prevented the new exchange rate from coming out…Sudani asked the United Staes of American for help to stop using the American dollar in Iraq.

PREPARE YOURSELVES! Food And Other Resource Shortages Are Coming. COUNT ON IT.

Greg Mannarino:   8-21-2023


An Urgent Warning to All Investors

Heresy Financial:  8-21-2023


0:00 Video Overview

0:17 What is a Margin Call

3:45 Eurodollar System

5:13 The Catalyst for Higher Interest Rates

11:01 How this Ties into a Margin Call

15:42 How to Position Yourself
