
  In MarkZ

[via PDK]   I asked him if I opened an account today would it help with the process, and would this branch be where I would be exchanging?  He said “Yes and No” Yes I could bring in my currencies here…but they would have to send them to a branch in a different city to verify the currencies are legitimate.  I asked if I could just drive to that branch and redeem it myself there and he said “Absolutely” and that way you do not have to let your currency out of your sight.  So what I call a redeeming bank or redemption center- are locations like that one that are set up to verify and exchange it right there in front of you with trained personnel. RC’s are banking facilities specifically set up  with specially trained staff to verify your currency in front of you so you do not have to let it out of your sight.  [Post 2 of 2]