In TNT

Tishwash:  Parliamentary: Article 140 caused a delay in the disbursement of allocations for this category

Mrs. Intisar Al-Maliki expressed her deep concern about the delay in disbursing allocations to affected families due to Article 140, as the number of families who received the checks reached more than 1,500 families in Al-Faw and Abu Al-Khasib districts and the entire Basra Governorate.

Al-Maliki strongly called for the need to achieve justice and equity by disbursing these allocations and compensating the affected families for the damage they suffered as a result of the events that occurred in those areas.

In addition, Representative Intisar Al-Maliki called on the government and the concerned authorities to seriously consider this issue and take the necessary measures to provide support and assistance to these needy families and disburse their overdue financial dues.

We stress the importance of responding to this call in order to achieve social justice and help the affected families in Basra Governorate.   link

CandyKissses:  Integrity: We monitored the waste of 14 billion dinars in tax, retirement and social security in Dhi Qar

Baghdad Today – Baghdad

Today, Monday (September 11, 2023), the Federal Integrity Commission announced that it had detected a waste of 14 billion dinars in tax, retirement, and social security in Dhi Qar Governorate, while indicating that 10 billion dinars from tax deposits had not been recorded as revenue for the treasury.

The Authority’s Investigation Department stated, according to a statement received by “Baghdad Today,” that “the field team in the Dhi Qar Investigation Office, which carried out investigative work in the Tax Directorate in the governorate, concluded that the General Authority for Taxes and the Dhi Qar Tax Directorate were negligent by not recording amounts.” Tax deposits for the years (2011-2017) amounting to (9,869,695,908) nine billion eight hundred and sixty-nine million dinars as final revenues to the public treasury.”

The department added, “The team, which moved to the Retirement and Social Security Department, seized the files of the companies registered with it, whose amounts had not been paid,” pointing out that the results of the report of the Office’s External Audit Division and its investigations revealed the presence of violations committed by the department, explaining that The total amounts that were not collected and wasted amounted to (4,038,436,056) four billion and thirty-eight million dinars, noting that the Authority referred the letter of the Retirement and Security Department to implementation, in accordance with the Government Debt Collection Law.

She continued, “The office monitored that Dhi Qar Oil Company contracted with a foreign company to purchase pipes used to connect oil wells, explaining that Dhi Qar Oil Company changed the origin of the pipes from European to Chinese, while keeping the contracting cost the same, which led to damage.” With public money


Tishwash:   How do we benefit from the decisions of the G20 Summit?

The G20 summit began in the Indian capital, New Delhi, and concluded its work over two days in the absence of the Russian President and the Chinese President, and with the participation of the leaders of 28 countries, including the original members of the summit, in addition to the leaders of the countries invited by India to attend the summit.

The leaders participating in the New Delhi summit focused on many plans and solutions aimed at confronting global crises, most notably climate change – which threatened to exacerbate poverty, famines and humanitarian crises, and negatively affected sustainable development plans in a large number of countries, especially developing ones.

The summit’s agenda also discussed many issues. Important ones include ways to promote green development, finance plans to confront the effects of climate change, the European Union Environment and Climate Action Programme, promote strong and sustainable economic growth, the progress that has occurred in efforts to implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Plan, technological transformation and digital infrastructure, and the efforts of international institutions to promote development and shape… The economies of the G20 countries account for about 85 percent of the global gross domestic product, 75 percent of the trade volume, and 60 percent of the world population.

Among the most prominent goals of the G20 are to strengthen and develop the global economy, in addition to reforming international financial institutions and improving the financial system, supporting global economic growth, developing mechanisms for job opportunities, and activating free trade initiatives.

What concerns us in Iraq is how our economy can benefit from the goals and decisions of the summit in particular, and the Iraqi economy is suffering from many problems that are exacerbated as it is affected by the crises and challenges of the global economy, which is also suffering from expectations of the continuation of the food, energy and climate crises, the problems of the Russian-Ukrainian war, and the currency conflict of some major economic countries. Russia and China are working with the US dollar to limit its dominance in financial transactions and exchanges between countries.

Since the successful economic reform in Iraq is not only achieved internally, but rather it is achieved to the extent that the competent economic bodies in Iraq are able to achieve by building diverse financial, commercial and economic relations with the countries of the world, especially the G20 summit countries, with a focus on bilateral relations with the seven major industrial countries and member countries with emerging economies.

At the summit, which currently constitutes an important economic pole in the areas of investment, sustainable development, and building important financial and banking relationships in a way that regulates control over the monetary and commercial market in Iraq, the Central Bank has actually begun concluding banking agreements with India and China, and is making unremitting efforts to conclude agreements with European countries.

Therefore, we believe that the decisions issued by the G20 Summit must be taken into consideration and study how to deal with them through analysis and discussion in the Ministerial Council for the Economy, preparing an analytical and evaluation report to be submitted to the Council of Ministers with recommendations, and setting a time plan for action to achieve activation and strengthening of the existing bilateral economic agreements with some G20 countries and research.

 For new agreements with countries with which we do not have relations in all fields, because our adherence to the global economic system and its international standard standards is the basic solution to our complex and accumulated economic problems   link

Mot: …. Whats the Big Deal – Dude– Its What Ya Came here fur!!!

Mot:  …. LOL – Had to Share I Did!!!