In TNT

CandyKisses:  MP expects to finalize an important law during the current parliamentary session and comments on general amnesty

Political: Euphrates News} MP for the Fatah Alliance, Ali Turki, expected the resolution of the oil and gas law during this current parliamentary session.

Turki told Al-Furat News that “the parliamentary energy committee is meeting and discussing in order to follow up on the oil and gas law in all its details, and we expect this file to be resolved during this parliamentary session and it will be approved.”

He added: “As for the general amnesty law, it is a law among the political deals that are developed with each government in order to have a general amnesty, which is among the Sunni requirements and harmonious for the public to be demanding this law.”

He continued: “This law cannot proceed in its current form from removing terrorists or suspending the anti-terrorism or drug law, so it is not possible to legislate a law that allows the exit of these groups.”

CandyKisses:  Baghdad has not calmed down since last night. A new demonstration in Al-Jadriya to protest the burning of the Qur’an

Shafaq News / Demonstrations condemning the burning of the Holy Quran and Iraqi flag in Sweden and Denmark were launched in the Jadiriyah area in the center of the capital Baghdad on Saturday.

A correspondent for Shafaq News Agency said that hundreds of protesters gathered at Freedom Square in the Jadiriyah area and towards the suspension bridge in protest against the burning of the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag in front of the embassies of Iraq in Sweden and Denmark.

Our correspondent pointed out that the demonstrators raised copies of the Holy Quran and the Iraqi flag.

Earlier on Saturday, security forces blocked roads leading to Freedom Square, starting from the suspension bridge to Cordoba Square towards the aviation square.

From dawn yesterday, Thursday, until dawn on Saturday, the capital Baghdad and several other provinces witnessed mass demonstrations condemning the Swedish authorities’ repeated permission of Iraqi refugee Silwan Momica to burn a copy of the Iraqi Quran and flag in front of the Iraqi embassy in the capital Stockholm.

Supporters of the Sadrist movement at dawn on Thursday attacked the Swedish embassy in the capital Baghdad and set fire to it in condemning the allowing for a demonstration in Stockholm that witnessed the desecration of the Qur’an and the Iraqi flag in front of the Iraqi embassy there.

After that, the Iraqi government decided to sever its diplomatic relations with Sweden in protest against the repeated abuse of Muslims’ first holy sanctuary, the Holy Quran.


Tishwash:  Iraq is focusing on the “most powerful country in the European Union” and is planning a military and economic “alliance”

Today, Sunday (July 23, 2023), the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee described France as one of the strongest countries of the European Union allied to Iraq, while indicating that Baghdad is planning joint security, military and economic action with Paris.

A member of the committee, Amer Al-Fayez, told “Baghdad Today” that “France is considered one of the strongest countries of the European Union, an ally of Iraq, and there is a joint security and military work between the two countries, in addition to economic files that concern the conditions of the region in general, as there is joint coordination between Baghdad and Paris.”

And Al-Fayez stated, “The visit of French Defense Minister Sebastien Lecorno to Iraq a few days ago comes to strengthen security and military cooperation between the two countries, especially since Iraq has worked greatly to remove the threat of terrorism from the world by fighting and defeating the terrorist organization ISIS, and this visit comes as a complement to the Iraqi Prime Minister’s visit to Paris, to complete the discussion of files with a security and military dimension.”

On Wednesday (July 19, 2023), the Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia’a al-Sudani, received the Minister of the French Armies, Sebastien Licorno, and his accompanying delegation.

According to a statement issued by Al-Sudani’s office, which was received by “Baghdad Al-Youm”, the meeting witnessed a discussion of bilateral relations between the two countries, and prospects for developing them at the security level, within the scope of the international coalition, and within the framework of advice and training to raise the performance of the Iraqi security forces, and an emphasis on continuing bilateral cooperation to continue training, cooperation in the field of armaments, and exchange of information   link

Mot: …. Just Saying ………..

Mot ….. Fly Swatter Season it is!!! ~~~~