In TNT

Tishwash:  Parliamentary Transportation: Soon the flag of Iraq will be raised on ships operating in international trade

The head of the Parliamentary Transportation and Communications Committee, Zahra Al-Bajari, revealed today, Monday, that the Iraqi flag will soon be raised on ships operating in international trade.

And Al-Bajari said in a statement, “The parliament included two international maritime agreements in its agenda during its session today, indicating that” the first agreement will concern maritime safety, while the second will concern the environmental field.

And she added, “The SAR agreement, or “Search and Rescue”, is one of the important agreements to protect and save the lives of workers at sea, especially since Iraqi ports are included in the list of ports of countries in which dangers exist and issued by the Federation of Insurance Bodies in London.

She indicated that “the next session will include a discussion of the 1997 Protocol on Pollution from Ships’ Exhaust, annexed to the Pollution from Ships Convention of 1973, as amended in 1978.”

And she continued, “Iraq’s accession to this protocol will pave the way for the re-raising of the Iraqi flag on ships operating in international trade and sailing on the high seas.  link

CandyKisses:  Ministry of Finance Criticized for Delay in Issuing Budget Instructions

Baghdad – NAS

Nearly 50 days after the adoption of the country’s budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, most government departments are still waiting for the instructions to implement them issued by the Ministry of Finance in light of the widespread controversy over the reasons for the delay.     

Despite the publication of the budget in the Gazette after its approval, then recently corrected and entered into force, the departments are not able to work with its provisions, until the implementation instructions are approved by the Ministry of Finance.  

MP Mustafa Al-Karawi said that this week is likely to be the date for the launch of the instructions for the implementation of the budget by the Ministry of Finance, indicating that the articles contested by the government will not affect the budget, but were limited to some paragraphs that do not affect their entirety.

Economist Nabil al-Tamimi said the delay in issuing instructions for this year’s budget indicates a government failure represented by the Ministry of Finance.

Al-Tamimi criticized the delay in issuing these instructions, although they do not need major updates and changes, expressing surprise that the Ministry of Finance did not benefit from the time during the period of preparation and discussion of the budget by the House of Representatives.

Finance Minister Taif Sami had previously reported that the ministry has intensified its efforts to expedite the issuance of procedures for reviewing the instructions for implementing the federal general budget for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 No. 13 of 2023, which was recently approved by the House of Representatives.

“Official Gazette”


Tishwash:  Rights accuse America of employing its arms to overthrow the Sudanese government through the dollar paper

On Monday, a member of the Human Rights Movement, Hussein Ali Al-Karawi, accused the forces affiliated with America of moving to overthrow the government, indicating that the sanctions by the US treasury are a means of pressure on the Sudanese government.

Al-Karawi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, “Attempts to weaken the government are being carried out with direct support from Washington and sometimes through Iraqi political forces.”

He pointed out, “The direct relationship between America and its political and media arms pushes towards exploiting the dollar crisis to achieve its suspicious goals.”

He added that “what is happening in power stations, including fires and explosions of transmission lines to stir up the Iraqi street, expressed American plans to strike society, encourage protests and overthrow the government.”  ink


Tishwash:  Judges and security leaders meet to address the “manipulation” of the value of the dinar and to prosecute those involved

On Monday, Iraqi judges and security leaders held a meeting at the headquarters of the Supreme Judicial Council to put in place mechanisms to deal with “manipulating” the value of the Iraqi dinar and prosecute those involved.

A statement of the Supreme Judicial Council received by Shafaq News agency stated, “The meeting included the head of the Public Prosecution Service, the head of the Judicial Supervision Authority, the senior investigative judges of the second and third Karkh Investigation Courts, and the Rusafa Investigation Court, which is specialized in cases of integrity and economic crime, in addition to the head of the National Security Agency and an undersecretary. Minister of the Interior for Intelligence Affairs.

During the meeting, they discussed the best ways and mechanisms to address the phenomenon of manipulation of the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, in a way that ensures limiting it and prosecuting those involved in it in accordance with the laws in force, according to the statement.

Today, Monday, the Supreme Judicial Council announced the arrest of suspects carrying out suspicious banking activities.

He pointed out that “the defendants admitted that they had taken companies to do business as a cover to smuggle currency out of Iraq, and these companies were raided in separate areas of Baghdad, and sums of money estimated at fifteen million dollars were seized and deposited with the central bank after the Anti-Money Laundering Office submitted its reports that included the existence of Suspicions of money laundering by monopolizing the dollar currency in this way.   link

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