Judy Byington

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Note: All intel should be considered as “Rumors” until we receive official announcements …and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Special Report Restored Republic via a GCR Sun. Morning 6 Aug. 2023

Compiled by Judy Byington

Sat. 5 Aug. Rumtel Update:

CBI has the budget. Banks have until Sunday to “synch up” with the Central Bank of Iraq.

Action on Sunday will drive the Dinar rate DOWN to 1,300 to 1 US Dollar. This will match the rate on the street and the budget.

CBI will then “revalue” to 1,000 to 1. Target date is Wednesday.

CBI will then “drop the 3 zeros” to 1-$1 with the US dollar, at which point the Dinar will be tradable and “floating” on the Forex. It will NOT float down.

Political hurdles have been cleared.

“Health crisis” of a major figure was an assassination attempt. Failed.

No moves left.

This is the plan as of today Sat. 5 Aug, as I understand it from separate sources. We’ll see. All we can do is wait and hope that events unfold along these lines. Enjoy your weekend. Watch some sports and pray this in.

TNT Candy Kisses: The Iraqi Parliamentary Finance Committee stated on Sat. 5 Aug. that the Iraqi budget (that contained the new Iraqi Dinar Rate) would be implemented sometime this week. Clare: And finally – 50 days after its approval, the budget enters into force.


Sun. 6 Aug. Banks have until Sunday 6 Aug. to “synch up” with the Central Bank of Iraq. Action on that Sunday will drive the Dinar rate DOWN to 1,300 to 1 US Dollar. This will match the rate on the street and the budget.

Mon. 7 Aug. United Bank of Switzerland American Group is poised to make sweeping changes to the senior ranks of its investment banking division globally as soon as Monday 7 Aug. – they are restructuring the bank.  https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/ubs-nears-major-investment-bank-restructuring-sources-2023-08-04/

Wed. 9 Aug. CBI will revalue the Iraqi Dinar to 1,000 to 1. The CBI will then “drop the 3 zeros” to 1-$1 with the US dollar, at which point the Dinar will be tradable and “floating” on the Forex. It will NOT float down.

Aug. 9 through 18: The US Navy and Marines were planning a large scale exercise that would encompass six Maritime Commands, seven Fleets and 22 Time Zones. 25,000 sailors and Marines prepare for global conflict in large scale exercise.

Thurs. 10 Aug. “First major figure to “leave the stage.”

Sat. 12 Aug. drop dead deadline for the RV as decided last Fri. by BRICS nations.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/08/06/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-special-report-as-of-august-6-2023/



Mnt Goat    In today’s news the CBI tells us that on Thursday (August 3, 2023), the Central Bank of Iraq revealed new decisions that will be issued next week to reduce the price of the dollar in Iraq…We know this is the fourth time the CBI told us they were implementing a package of currency reforms…

Nader From The Mid East  We’re waiting for next week.  We see what’s going to happen.  I hope we go to 1000 because once it goes to 1000 I’m sure they’re gonna remove the zeros and it’s be 1 to 1.  I hope so.  I hope this was gonna happen.  That’s what everybody think is going to happen.  But it’s tough.  It’s not easy…

The Boom is Over. The Bust has Begun

Heresy Financial:  8-5-2023

What is leverage? Archimedes once said, Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand, and I can move the world.

Now, there are obviously many forms of leverage, but economically speaking, the state we are concerned about is debt. Now, debt is described as leverage for a few reasons.

Number one, it increases the strength of your purchasing power. If you have a dollar, instead of just $1, maybe you can spend 50 or $2 or more.

The second reason is described as leverage because it works both ways. In other words, debt increases risk.

So what does leverage have to do with the boom-bust cycle? As we will see, leverage is the engine that drives the boom-bust process. On the way up, we are increasing the amount of leverage in the system, but everything that goes up must come down.

And so every levering up is always followed by a deleveraging. And the way down the bust is a deleveraging. So where are we now? What will this deleveraging, this bust look like?


0:00 Video Overview

1:09 How Did We Get Here

11:35 How this Plays Out

15:30 How Deleveraging Should Unfold
