
  In Pimpy

The problem is I could find no such information…There’s still restrictions on the Iraqi dinar. That’s not counting they’re still under sanctions with the United States.  This is why we see them having to get permission from the United States to do certain thingsThere’s been a lot of good news lately coming out of Iraq and it’s exciting.  I get it.  Be we don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves.  You’re got people out there talking about…God told them there’s no more restrictions on the Iraqi dinar…I guess we’re going to find out.  It would seem to us that that kind of news would have been out and about real quick because that is a major major step for Iraq to have no restrictions on their currency…Getting rid of any kind of sanctions on the Iraqi dinar would be a huge step for Iraq.  It would be exciting for everyone.    [Post 2 of 2]